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Re: Missing Import in TestFlow.java and Other Problems

"Craig" == Craig Milo Rogers <Rogers@ISI.EDU> writes:

	Craig> 	I got lots of error messages of the sort:
	Craig> /nfs/jade/rogers/activate/src/jnodeos/jnodeos-20010711.0127/src/services/icmp/UnknownPacketHandler.Java:22:9:
	Craig> warning: pasting "JANOS_ROOT_PKG" and "." does not give a valid
	Craig> preprocessing token

These warnings come from newer versions of the GCC preprocessor (>= gcc 2.96,
including the just-released gcc 3.0).  They are annoying but harmless.  We'll
clean them up soon.

I'll let Tim Stack address the test failures.


Eric Eide <eeide@cs.utah.edu>  .         University of Utah School of Computing
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~eeide/ . +1 (801) 585-5512 voice, +1 (801) 581-5843 FAX

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