Geometry-Limited Diffusion

Ross T. Whitaker

Scale space theory has generated quite a number of useful algorithms in computer vision and image processing. Scale space appears to be a useful tool for low-level image analysis, particularly feature extraction and segmentation. Its affects on diminishing noise and grouping together similar, proximate structures has been well documented. However, linear scale space (which in the most general case can be shown to be blurring with a Gaussian kernel)

has a tendency to mix, distort, or even destroy some of the features that it seeks to measure.

This work studies nonuniform or anistropic scale spaces that are generated by introducing a nonlinear, space varying conductance term into the diffusion equation, which otherwise gives rise to Gaussian blurring:

Diffusion equation

Nonuniform diffusion equation

Previous work has shown that the nonuniform diffusion can preserve and enhance edges while reducing noise. The process is equivalent to an energy minimization that seeks piecewise homogeneous patches in images. Contributions of my work are the inclusion of a scale term into the conductance in order to control the size of structures that are preserved under this equation as well as the generalization of this scheme to multi-valued images. This generalization enables the detection of higher-order geometric features and segmentation based on higher-order properties such as texture. An empirical analysis shows the stability of the results in the presence of noise and a quantifiable advantage over linear scale space (in its most basic form) in segmentation and feature extraction. This research is described in dissertation ( abstract or ftp ) as well as several papers.

Geometry-Limited Diffusion Results

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