

Combines weights and biases into one weights vector.


w = mlppak(net)


w = mlppak(net) takes a network data structure net and combines the component weight matrices bias vectors into a single row vector w. The facility to switch between these two representations for the network parameters is useful, for example, in training a network by error function minimization, since a single vector of parameters can be handled by general-purpose optimization routines.

The ordering of the paramters in w is defined by

  w = [net.w1(:)', net.b1, net.w2(:)', net.b2];
where w1 is the first-layer weight matrix, b1 is the first-layer bias vector, w2 is the second-layer weight matrix, and b2 is the second-layer bias vector.

See Also

mlp, mlpunpak, mlpfwd, mlperr, mlpbkp, mlpgrad
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)