

Trains a k means cluster model.


centres = kmeans(centres, data, options)
[centres, options] = kmeans(centres, data, options)
[centres, options, post, errlog] = kmeans(centres, data, options)


centres = kmeans(centres, data, options) uses the batch K-means algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix data represents the data which is being clustered, with each row corresponding to a vector. The sum of squares error function is used. The point at which a local minimum is achieved is returned as centres. The error value at that point is returned in options(8).

[centres, options, post, errlog] = kmeans(centres, data, options) also returns the cluster number (in a one-of-N encoding) for each data point in post and a log of the error values after each cycle in errlog. The optional parameters have the following interpretations.

options(1) is set to 1 to display error values; also logs error values in the return argument errlog. If options(1) is set to 0, then only warning messages are displayed. If options(1) is -1, then nothing is displayed.

options(2) is a measure of the absolute precision required for the value of centres at the solution. If the absolute difference between the values of centres between two successive steps is less than options(2), then this condition is satisfied.

options(3) is a measure of the precision required of the error function at the solution. If the absolute difference between the error functions between two successive steps is less than options(3), then this condition is satisfied. Both this and the previous condition must be satisfied for termination.

options(14) is the maximum number of iterations; default 100.


kmeans can be used to initialise the centres of a Gaussian mixture model that is then trained with the EM algorithm.

[priors, centres, var] = gmmunpak(p, md);
centres = kmeans(centres, data, options);
p = gmmpak(priors, centres, var);
p = gmmem(p, md, data, options);

See Also

gmminit, gmmem
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)