

Re-estimate hyperparameters using evidence approximation.


[net] = evidence(net, x, t)
[net, gamma, logev] = evidence(net, x, t, num)


[net] = evidence(net, x, t) re-estimates the hyperparameters alpha and beta by applying Bayesian re-estimation formulae for num iterations. The hyperparameter alpha can be a simple scalar associated with an isotropic prior on the weights, or can be a vector in which each component is associated with a group of weights as defined by the index matrix in the net data structure. These more complex priors can be set up for an MLP using mlpprior. Initial values for the iterative re-estimation are taken from the network data structure net passed as an input argument, while the return argument net contains the re-estimated values.

[net, gamma, logev] = evidence(net, x, t, num) allows the re-estimation formula to be applied for num cycles in which the re-estimated values for the hyperparameters from each cycle are used to re-evaluate the Hessian matrix for the next cycle. The return value gamma is the number of well-determined parameters and logev is the log of the evidence.

See Also

mlpprior, netgrad, nethess, demev1, demard
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)