University of Utah

School of Computing

Digital Image Processing

CS 6640

Fall Semester 2020

Zoom   TH 10:45-12:05

Instructor: Thomas C. Henderson

Overview of Course

Course Objectives

Survey Digital Image Processing basics :


Prerequisites: Full major status in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.

Course Description

We will work on the problems and solutions of digital image processing. 

Software Used to Support Class

Students will develop codes in Matlab. 

Required Materials

We will use:

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Solomon and Breckon, (required)


There are 3 major types of assignments:

Class Syllabus

The lectures will cover the text on the following schedule (may vary some during semester to accommodate needs):



  Material (Solomon and Breckon)

     Problem Assignments




August 25 - September 3

Representation and Image Formation

Chapters 1,2

Assigned: A1,P1

September 8 - 10

Pixels and Histograms

Chapter 3

Assigned: A2

September 15 - 24


Chapter 4

Assigned: A3,P2

September 29 - October 8

Fourier Transforms

Chapter 5

Assigned: A4

October 13 - 15


Chapter 7

Assigned: A5, P3

October 20 - 22

Morphological Processing

Chapter 8


October 27 - November 5


Chapter 9

Assigned: A6, P4

November 10 - 19

Image Segmentation and Classification

Chapters 10-11

Assigned: A7

November 24 - December 3


Chapter 11

Assigned: P5


Class Schedule and Assignments

The lectures and assignments will cover the text as we progress through the semester.  Assignments will usually be handed out on Tuesday and due on a Thursday after the material is covered.

Covid-19 Issue

The current Covid-19 crisis has caused this class to be delivered on-line with no in-class component; however, we will endeavor to provide an exceptional learning opportunity by working as closely as possible with each of you to help you achieve your (and our!) learning goals in this class.  Please do not hesitate to let us know if you are experiencing difficulty related to communication, etc. We must all work together in these trying times in order to successfully overcome the difficulties before us.



Thomas C. Henderson, Professor






Office Hours (2871 WEB): By appointment.

TM (Teaching Mentors)

TM1: Nathan Marshak


Office Hours (On-line): 1:40-3:40 T, 2-3 H, 2-4 F

TM2: Wenzheng Tao


Office Hours (On-line): 4-5pm M-F


Grading Information

The grading distribution will be as follows:

You are expected to make a good effort on all assignments and in-class discussion based on a careful reading of the assigned material.  I will assign a grade based on how reasonable your solution is given the difficulty of the assignment, the time required, and the style and content of the solution.  My goal is to look at all your work, and to assign a grade based on your participation, effort and results.  It's better to ask questions before and during an assignment, than to try and understand what went wrong after it's due.  The proportions given above delineate how I intend to apportion the weight of the various work in the course.

Assignment Due Time

Unless otherwise stated in an assignment, all assignments will be due by classtime on the assignment due date.   You should handin all functions developed for the assignment.  The time that we use for an assignment is the submit time. 

Policy and Appeals Procedure

See Academic misconduct page as well as the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, or the Class Schedule for more details.

Appeals of Grades and other Academic Actions

If a student believes that an academic action is arbitrary or capricious he/she should discuss the action with the involved faculty member and attempt to resolve.  If unable to resolve, the student may appeal the action in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. Appeal to Department Chair who should be notified in writing within 40 working days; chair must notify student of a decision with 15 days.  If faculty member or student disagrees with decision, then,
  2. Appeal to Academic Appeals Committee (see flyers posted in MEB and EMCB for members of committee).  See II Section D, Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for details on Academic Appeals Committee hearings.

Assignment Late Policy

No late work is accepted. 

Individual Work

The purpose of the assignments is to improve your skills at solving problems and demonstrating that you understand the class material. Collaboration with other class members is acceptable in understanding problems or software tools. For any individual assignments or work turned in, you must do your own work. Using someone else's work or giving someone else your work is considered plagiarism and will be dealt with using standard College and University procedures (i.e., failure of assignment and class). The SoC policy states: "As defined in the University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one's work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information. It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of academic misconduct. A primary example of academic misconduct would be submitting as one's own, work that is copied from an outside source." (See cheating_policy.pdf and SoC_ack_form.pdf in Link to Class Info and Docs; also see university web page for the full academic calendar Academic misconduct page). 


See university web page for the full academic calendar (Calendar web page).  See the university web page for a copy of the withdraw guidelines as well, or see the Student Code.

See the college web page for more Guidelines.

American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The University conforms to all standards of the ADA. If you wish to qualify for exemptions under this act, notify the Center for Disabled Students Services, 160 Union
The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities.  If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD).  CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.

All written information in this course can be made available in alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability  Services.

Disabilities, Safety and Sexual Misconduct (ADA)

Students with Disabilitites (ADA Statement): The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Buildng, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. All written information in this course can be made available in alternative format with prior notice to the Center for Disability Services. University Safety Statement: The University of Utah values the safety of all campus community memebers. To report suspicious activity or to request a courtesy escort, call campus police at 801-585-COPS (801-585-2577). You will receive important emergency alerts and safety messages regarding campus safety via text message. For more information regarding safety and to view available training resources, including helpful videos, visit Addressing Sexual Misconduct: Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender (which includes sexual proentation and gender identity/expression) is a civil rights offence subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offences against other protected categories such as race, national origin, color, religion, age, status as a person with a disability, veteran's status or genetic information. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you are encouraged to report it to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, 135 Park Building, 801-581-8365, or the Office of the Dean of Students, 270 Union Building, 801-581-7066. For support and confidential consultation, contact the Center for Student Wellness, 426 SSB, 801-581-7776. To report to police, contact the Department of Public Safety, 801-585-2677 (COPS).