Project 9

Depth of Field

Ray Traced View

Ray tracer MK9. A more in depth approach to ray tracing...

Scene shamelessly stolen from

The MK9 is a revolution in depth of field processing. A specified number of rays are traced starting along the camera lense using a uniformly random circlular distribution. As these rays converge, the image comes into focus, and vise versa. Unprecedented.

Sample Buffer View

When using adaptive sampling, I found that 4 minimum samples just wasn't enough to get an accurate variance, especially when the lense is large. For the above image, a minimum of 32 samples was taken, and a maximum of 128 samples was taken.

Depth Buffer View

I had a bug with absorption and triangular meshes, ( It wasn't absorbing...) so the jug in the back is what I used to debug the problem.

I'm still not entirely satisfied with my materials yet. Going to try a variety next assignment.

I tried going for quality over render time for the above image, so after using 32 texture samples and ray differentials, with 128 potential samples per pixel and a 2X reconstruction filter, the render took about an hour.

Ray Traced View

Here's a render of the provided scene.

Using 16 minimum samples and 64 maximum samples, with 32 texture samples on the ray differentials, this render (at 800 by 600) comes out in 31 seconds. With a minimum of 64 samples and a max of 128 at 1920 by 1080, the render takes 8 minutes.

Sample Buffer View

I had some banding artifacts with the spheres in the front and the back. Ray differentials help, but I think my grayscale variance might not be enough for adaptive sampling...

Depth Buffer View

Because wow. That's why.

Provided Scene Timing



Intel HD Graphics 620, Intel Core i7 - 7500U CPU @ 2.7GHz, 16GB of memory