CS 2010 Homework 5   - Due September 23


There is no setup for this assignment.


Exercise 5.1, Ancestor Trees

Based on section 14.1 of the book, create an example family-tree-node for your own family (real or fictional, as you prefer). Include at least three generations.

(There's no particular handin artifact for this exercise, but you can use the example for tests in later exercises.)

Exercise 5.2, Counting

HtDP exercise 14.1.3 (page 198)

Exercise 5.3, Searching

Implement in-family? which takes two arguments: a name (as a symbol) and a family-tree-node. It determines whether a person with the given name exists in the family tree.

Exercise 5.4, Eye Colors

HtDP exercise 14.1.5 (page 198)

Exercise 5.5, Descendent Trees

Based on section 15.1 of the book, create an example parent for your own family (real or fictional, as you prefer). Include at least three generations.

(There's no particular handin artifact for this exercise, but you can use the example for tests in later exercises.)

Exercise 5.6, Counting, again

HtDP exercise 15.1.3 (page 215)

Last update: Saturday, September 20th, 2003