server 415k
  {1} Racket | {1} Windows | 32-bit x86 140k
  {1} Racket | {1} Windows | 64-bit x64 140k
  {1} Racket | {2} Mac OS X | 32-bit Intel 116k
  {1} Racket | {2} Mac OS X | 64-bit Intel 116k
  {1} Racket | {2} Mac OS X | PowerPC 104k
  {1} Racket | {3} Linux | 32-bit i386; built on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 116k
  {1} Racket | {3} Linux | 64-bit x86_64; built on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 116k
  {1} Racket | {3} Linux | ARM6 VFP; built on Raspbian 113k
  {1} Racket | {3} Linux | {9} 64-bit x86_64 natipkg; built on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 124k
  {1} Racket | {8} Unix | Source 56k
  {1} Racket | {8} Unix | Source + built packages 116k
  {1} Racket | {8} Unix | Source with versionless path 56k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {1} Windows | 32-bit x86 126k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {1} Windows | 64-bit x64 794k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {2} Mac OS X | 32-bit Intel | {1} Disk Image 100k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {2} Mac OS X | 32-bit Intel | {2} Installer Package 29k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {2} Mac OS X | 64-bit Intel | {1} Disk Image 102k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {2} Mac OS X | 64-bit Intel | {2} Installer Package 29k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {2} Mac OS X | PowerPC 98k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {3} Linux | 32-bit i386; built on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 88k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {3} Linux | 64-bit x86_64; built on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 80k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {3} Linux | ARM6 VFP; built on Raspbian 84k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {3} Linux | {9} 64-bit x86_64 natipkg; built on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 85k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {9} All Platforms | Source 32k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {9} All Platforms | Source + built libraries 33k
  {2} Minimal Racket | {9} All Platforms | Source with versionless path 32k
  {3} Minimal Racket+GUI+Docs | {2} Mac OS X | 64-bit Intel 86k
  {4} Minimal DrRacket | {2} Mac OS X | 64-bit Intel 88k