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[shootout] strcat

;; strcat.scm


;For this test, each program should be implemented in the same way, 
;according to the following specification. 
;    pseudocode for strcat test
;   s is initialized to the null string
;   repeat N times:
;     append "hello\n" to s
;   count the number of individual characters in s
;   print the count

;  There should be N distinct string append statements done in a loop. 
;  After each append the resultant string should be 6 characters 
;  longer (the length of "hello\n"). 
;  s should be a string, string buffer, or character array. 
;  The program should not construct a list of strings and join it. 

(define hello "hello\n")

;; Simple slow version
;; This is surprisingly slow

;(define (main args)
;  (let* ((n (or (and (= (length args) 2) (string->number (cadr args))) 1))
;  (str ""))
;    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
; ((= i n))
;      (set! str (string-append str hello)))
;    (display (string-length str))
;    (newline)))

;; Quote from Bigloo documentation

;; (blit-string! string1 o1 string2 o2 len)
;; Fill string s2 starting at position o2 with len characters 
;; taken out of string s1 from position o1.
;; (let ((s (make-string 20 #\-)))
;;         (blit-string! "toto" 0 s 16 4)
;;         s)
;;    => "----------------toto"

(define (blit-string! s1 o1 s2 o2 len)
  (do ((o1 o1 (+ o1 1))
       (o2 o2 (+ o2 1))
       (len len (- len 1)))
      ((= len 0))
    (string-set! s2 o2 (string-ref s1 o1))))

;; Serranos version (works like a charm)

(define (main args)
  (let* ((n (or (and (= (length args) 2) (string->number (cadr args))) 
  (i 0)
  (buflen 32)
  (strbuf (make-string buflen))
  (stufflen (string-length hello))
  (stuff hello)
  (stuffstart 0))

    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
         ((= i n))
      (if (>= (+ stufflen stuffstart) buflen)
   (let* ((nbuflen (* 2 buflen))
   (nstrbuf (make-string nbuflen)))
     (blit-string! strbuf 0 nstrbuf 0 buflen)
     (set! buflen nbuflen)
     (set! strbuf nstrbuf)))
      (blit-string! stuff 0 strbuf stuffstart stufflen)
      (set! stuffstart (+ stuffstart stufflen)))
    (set! strbuf (substring strbuf 0 stuffstart))
    (display (string-length strbuf))

(time (main '("strcat" "40000")))