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Re: URL structs in cgi^ script

On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 02:24:50PM -0700, Greg Pettyjohn wrote:
> I would like to be able to access the members of a struct from within a cgi^
> script. The problem is that the url struct procedures don't work the way I
> expect.
> (I'm using DrScheme v.103)

The problem is that the server's compound unit and your cgi program's
compound unit both link in different versions of the URL library.

In version 103, you can either do something strange with the server's compound
unit and the cgi program's compound unit to import the same copy of the URL
library (probably through top-level definitions), or you can change the
"invoke" expresssion in the server to include url^.  The later solution may
be simpler, but it breaks other cgi programs.

The (unreleased) version 200 port of the server doesn't have this
problem due to the new module system.
