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Re: compiling files

Quoting "Immanuel Litzroth":
> I have a file I want to compile to .zo format and it needs command-line 
> parsing. Am I correct in assuming that I need the require-library form 
> wrapped in a begin-elaboration-time form AND as a top-level form?

Yes, that sounds right to me.

> In the previous mail I forgot to mention that I use the
> ++zof expand-require-library switch to mzc.

If you duplicate the `require-library' line, I don't think you need the
mzc switch. But I have trouble remembering or figuring out what is
supposed to work, the best strategy to make it work, etc.

We introduced `module' in version 200 (or 199.X) to clean up this mess:

  (module ...
    (require (lib "cmdline.ss")) ; does the right thing at both compile time
                                 ; and run time 
