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Re: A Conclusion Re: SchemeQL

What are you implementing?  I've had some success
using the PLT Web Server in my Wiki development.  Its
nice and simple to use and quite fast.

ODBC is traditionally dog slow.  You may be better off
with a native driver.  There isn't yet any I'm aware
of for Postgres but it would make a great
contribution!  Asking on the Postgres list about the
performance characteristics of different drivers may
yield some useful clues.  I doubt MzScheme is causing
speed issues, if TCL (dog slow, again) + Postgres is
fast enough for the OpenACS folk.

If you decide to go the flat file route I've written
some code (currently unreleased) to read and write CSV
files and do some elementary parsing.


> Loading time probably isn't good enough to use it in
> CGI, though.
> Guess I'll have to look at either using a scheme web
> server or storing
> data elsewhere.  Any advice?

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