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indenting variant-case in DrScheme

I'm using DrScheme w/ the EOPL textbook, which uses define-record and
variant-case.  I've got the macro definitions from the PLT site, but
am now dealing with the minor/superficial issue of how to get DrScheme
to indent these forms correctly.  At the moment, it looks like there
is no way to get variant-case quite right -- the best I've got so far
is the indentation preferences panel set to treat define-record as a
define-like form and variant-case as a lambda-like form.  But that
gives only the top-level structure of the variant-case, not the
lambda-like structure of each individual clause.  Is there a secret
more general indentation control than what the preference panel seems
to offer?  Or am I stuck with not-quite-perfect?  Thanks. -max