Part IV
Component Libraries

20 POSIX Interface Library: liboskit_posix.a
 20.1 Introduction
 20.2 Modified Functions
 20.3 POSIX Message Queue and Semaphore
 20.4 POSIX Signals
 20.5 Client Operating System Dependencies
 20.6 Extended API functions
21 FreeBSD C Library: liboskit_freebsd_c.a
 21.1 Introduction
 21.2 POSIX Interface
 21.3 Malloc Support
 21.4 Signal Support
 21.5 Missing Functionality
 21.6 errno.h
 21.7 Client Operating System Dependencies
 21.8 Library Initialization
22 FreeBSD Math Library: liboskit_freebsd_m.a
 22.1 Introduction
 22.2 Functions
23 Filesystem Namespace: liboskit_fsnamespace.a
 23.1 Introduction
24 Runtime Linker/Loader: liboskit_rtld.a
 24.1 Introduction
25 List-based Memory Manager: liboskit_lmm.a
 25.1 Introduction
 25.2 Memory regions
 25.3 Example use
 25.4 Restrictions and guarantees
 25.5 Sanity checking
 25.6 API reference
26 Address Map Manager: liboskit_amm.a
 26.1 Introduction
 26.2 Addresses and attributes
 26.3 Address maps and entries
 26.4 Simple interface
 26.5 Generic interface
 26.6 Generic interface example
 26.7 External dependencies
 26.8 API reference
27 Simple Virtual Memory: liboskit_svm.a
 27.1 Introduction
 27.2 API reference
28 (X86)NetBSD UVM: liboskit_netbsd_uvm.a
 28.1 Introduction
 28.2 Restrictions
 28.3 Virtual Address Space Layout
 28.4 Memory Interface
 28.5 Threads
 28.6 Page Faults
 28.7 Virtual memory system calls
 28.8 API reference
29 POSIX Threads: liboskit_threads.a
 29.1 Introduction
 29.2 Examples and Caveats
 29.3 POSIX Threads Reference
 29.4 Oskit API Extensions
 29.5 Thread-safe Adaptors
 29.6 InterThread Communication
 29.7 CPU Inheritance Framework
30 (X86)Simple Process: liboskit_sproc.a
 30.1 Introduction
 30.2 Example
 30.3 Requirements
 30.4 System Calls
 30.5 API reference
31 Memory Debugging Utilities: liboskit_memdebug.a
 31.1 Introduction
 31.2 Debugging versions of standard routines
 31.3 Additional Debugging Utilities
32 Profiling Support: liboskit_gprof.a
 32.1 Introduction
 32.2 Caveats
 32.3 API reference
 32.4 Using gprof
 32.5 Files
 32.6 Changing parameters and other FAQs
33 Disk Partition Interpreter: liboskit_diskpart.a
 33.1 Introduction
 33.2 Supported Partitioning Schemes
 33.3 Example Use
 33.4 Restrictions
 33.5 API reference
34 File System Reader: liboskit_fsread.a
 34.1 Introduction
 34.2 External dependencies
 34.3 Limitations
 34.4 API reference
35 Executable Program Interpreter: liboskit_exec.a
 35.1 Header Files
 35.2 Types
 35.3 Function Reference
36 Linux File Systems: liboskit_linux_fs.a
37 NetBSD File Systems: liboskit_netbsd_fs.a
38 Memory File System: liboskit_memfs.a
39 FreeBSD Networking: liboskit_freebsd_net.a
 39.1 Introduction
 39.2 Header Files
 39.3 Interfaces
40 BOOTP Support: liboskit_bootp.a
 40.1 Introduction
 40.2 External Dependencies
 40.3 API reference
41 HPFQ: Hierarchical Network Link Sharing: liboskit_hpfq.a
 41.1 Introduction
 41.2 Configuration
 41.3 Usage
 41.4 API reference
 41.5 External Requirements and Constructors
 41.6 pfq_sched: Interface to PFQ Schedulers
 41.7 pfq_leaf: Interface to PFQ Leaf Nodes
42 Packet Dispatcher: liboskit_pd.a
 42.1 Introduction
 42.2 Example Use
 42.3 Restrictions
 42.4 Sanity checking
 42.5 API reference
43 Linux Driver Set: liboskit_linux_dev.a
 43.1 Initialization and Registration
 43.2 Obtaining object references
 43.3 Introduction
 43.4 Partially-compliant Drivers
 43.5 Internals
 43.6 Block device drivers
 43.7 Network drivers
 43.8 SCSI drivers
44 FreeBSD Driver Set: liboskit_freebsd_dev.a
 44.1 Introduction
 44.2 Supported Devices
 44.3 Header Files
 44.4 Interfaces
 44.5 “Back door” Interfaces
45 Video Support: liboskit_video.a
 45.1 Introduction
 45.2 X11 S3 Video Library
 45.3 Svgalib Video Library