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ANN: Janos Java Libraries v1.0.2

		      Janos Java Libraries v1.0.2

We are pleased to announce version 1.0.2 of the Janos Java Libraries.
These libraries include:

	* The Janos Java NodeOS Bindings: an implementation of the
	  NodeOS API in standard Java.  It supports Threads, Channels,
	  Flows, ThreadGroups, packet filters, and packet buffers.

	* ANTSR, our extended version of the ANTS runtime that takes
	  advantage of the NodeOS API and that facilitates precise
	  resource control.  Although the exported API is essentially
	  compatible with traditional ANTS, ANTSR supports fully separate
	  flows and per-flow class name controls.  For example,
	  separate class loaders are automatically created by the Java
	  NodeOS for each flow.

1.0.2 is a minor release that updates the Java implementation of
Channels and Demultiplex Keys to be in line with the current NodeOS
specification.  It now uses protocol and address specifications, for

Download the latest version at:

Please send any questions or comments to:


[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah