JNodeOS v1.2.0 API

Package edu.utah.janos.nodeos

Interface Summary
AddressSpec An interface that represents a host address.
DeliverFunc Java wrapper for a DeliverFunc.

Class Summary
Address An address object hides the details and implementation of addressing in Janos.
AddressFactory The Factory for creating Address objects.
Assert Assert package.
BufferHandle A Java wrapper around the native buffer handle object.
ChanStats ChanStats is used to store statistics pertaining to in/out channels in the system.
ClassInstantiationKey Blaouaufngg.
CommMonitor Used for cross-process synchronization:
Credentials Java wrapper for NodeOS credentials.
CutThroughChannel Java wrapper for a CutThroughChannel.
CycleTimer Access to the underlying cycle timer.
CycleTimerTable A table for cycle timer results.
Debug The package-internal debugging infrastructure.
DemultiplexKey A key for matching incoming packets.
Flow Java wrapper for a flow.
FlowClassSpec A specification for which classes a flow can access.
FlowHandle Parent's handle on a child flow.
FlowRun A protocol should override FlowRun so that a flow can be created for it.
FlowStartSpec Startup information for a new flow.
FlowStats FlowStats is used to store statistics pertaining to a flow in the system.
InChannel Java wrapper for a NodeOS InChannel.
InChannelHandle A cross-process handle on a Java NodeOS InChannel.
Info Obtain information about the interfaces and other magic bits available on this node.
InfoHook A little class used for exporting information about state, data, etc...
Main Boot the Janos Java NodeOS.
MemSpec Java wrapper for a MemSpec.
NetworkSpec The NetworkSpec is used to specify the network needs for an OutChannel in a flow.
Node The Node interface used by EEs.
OutChannel Java wrapper for a NodeOS OutChannel.
pj_ANEPStreamLayer.StreamReader StreamReader is an inner class used to read from an InputStream and produce PacketBuffer's.
pj_ANEPStreamLayer.StreamWriter StreamWriter is a helper class used to write ANEP packes to an OutputStream.
pj_Debug The package-internal debugging infrastructure.
pj_DemultiplexKey.ByteMask A segment that matches a series of bytes.
pj_TimeSpec The pj_TimeSpec class provides a native interface to getting the current time.
Semaphore A simple synchronization primitive.
Status Deprecated. These APIs have been gutted because they do not work cleanly with per-process heaps.
Thread A Janos Thread.
ThreadPoolSpec ThreadPoolSpec wrapper for Java.
ThreadScheduler The scheduler for a ThreadPool.
TimeSpec A TimeSpec holds a time value as reported by the NodeOS.
Trace Control for the trace macros spread through-out creation.

Exception Summary
AddressFormatException AddressFormatException is thrown by Address.fromString() if it cannot parse an ANTSR Address.
FlowStartException FlowStartException is thrown by various functions involved in new flow creation.
NoSuchNodeAddress Thrown by AddressFactory when it cannot bind to the specified physical address.

JNodeOS v1.2.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
Documentation, software, and mailing list archives for Janos can be found at the Janos Project web site: http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/janos/
Generated on Mar 17, 2002