JNodeOS v1.1.5 API

Package edu.utah.janos.util

Interface Summary
PacketSegment A PacketSegment is a simple interface for marshalling/unmarshalling segments of a larger packet.

Class Summary
FlowBase A protocol should override FlowBase so that a flow can be created for it.
LinkedList A simple doubly linked list implementation, it exports the node object directly so adding and removing is fast
LinkedList.Node A node for use in doubly linked lists.
Packet Packet is a helper class that can be used to build packets from several PacketSegments.
PaddingPacketSegment A PaddingPacketSegment implements the PacketSegment interface for `n' padding bytes.
PlainPacketSegment A PlainPacketSegment implements the PacketSegment interface for an array of bytes.

Exception Summary
InvalidPacketException The InvalidPacketException is thrown when an PacketSegment.unmarshal is unable to unmarshal its segment because of bogus data.

JNodeOS v1.1.5 API

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