JNodeOS v1.1.5 API

Package edu.utah.janos.tests

Class Summary
DoWhileCompilerBug Test for a bug found in (at least) KJC v1.4B.
HelloWorld Take a good guess.
LogCheck Take a good guess.
OverloadingCompilerBug Kaffe's KJC compiler has a bug where it cannot distinguish correctly between overloaded methods put(byte), put(short), and put(int).
StdHelloWorld The canonical HelloWorld.
Tester The Tester class is used as a base for a class which does testing.
TestFlow A simple flow class that calls Tester.testClass on its arguments
TestMain A class to provide a main() for testing.
WatchDog A simple watch dog thread.

Exception Summary

JNodeOS v1.1.5 API

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